Food prep made easy: the right cabinet is a big help
Mar 2022Optimum positioning of the main work surface
Points to consider when planning
How to make processes in the kitchen even easier
A big part of cooking is taken up with food preparation. Findings from Blum's requirements research have shown that most food preparation activities take place around the sink and hob. Vegetables, for example, are washed first, then chopped and then placed in the pot.
Planning for pros
Plenty of space to work
Kitchen users who cook not only need time, they naturally also need enough space for all the small tasks they have to perform. If the sink and hob are too close together, this doesn't leave enough space for preparation. Vegetables are diced, dough is kneaded, herbs are chopped. Chopping boards, knives, basins, sieves, bowls – new items are added at every step.
With this in mind, the ergonomics experts at Blum recommend a distance between the sink and hob of around 90 cm. This leaves enough space for the chopping board, knife, bowl and ingredients.
Everything required for food prep (from knives, mixing spoons and graters to bowls, ingredients and spices) must be close to hand at the main work surface.
Sophisticated base cabinets offer sufficient storage space for all these utensils and guarantee efficient cooking processes.
How to design the optimum kitchen layout
The ideal workspace for food preparation
Well-organised workflows in the kitchen are a must when it comes to avoiding unnecessary to-ing and fro-ing – thereby saving time. When planning the kitchen layout, taking the following aspects into account is key in ensuring an optimal workflow when preparing food:
The main work surface is positioned centrally, ideally between the sink and hob. When the individual zones are grouped together (as much as possible), it leads to better workflow in the kitchen. .
The worktop should also offer sufficient space for complex recipes – a width of around 90 centimetres is ideal, and it should not be less than 80 centimetres if at all possible.
The base cabinets are spacious enough to accommodate not only kitchen utensils, but also bulky storage items such as bowls and sieves.
Blum recommends cabinets with drawers and pull-outs including inner organising systems, rather than doors with shelves, so that items are always readily to hand.
A cabinet for the main work surface
Using the experience and findings from Blum's requirements research means we are able to recommend specific pieces of furniture for specific tasks. What works best is, of course, ultimately decided by the kitchen buyers themselves.
Thanks to Blum's box systems – for example , or – it's possible to design base cabinets in flexible widths. The volume of storage required should be ascertained at the outset, during kitchen planning.
The concept in practice
This practical kitchen cabinet offers sufficient space on four levels for all the large and small utensils required when carrying out food preparation.
At a glance: food prep made easy
The main work surface is the heart of the kitchen.
For efficient work processes, position it between the sink and hob.
Ideally, it should be 90 cm wide for optimal working conditions.
Kitchen utensils, open packs of food, bowls and sieves can be stored in pull-outs under the worktop.
Flexible inner dividing systems ensure a good overview and secure storage of open packs of food.
Practical kitchen accessories from Blum (such as the knife holder or the film/foil dispenser for cling film and aluminium foil) make everyday work in the kitchen easier.
For even more convenience, the base cabinet can be equipped with an electric or mechanical motion support system.