Dishes perfectly organised: in the base cabinet with pull-outs
Jun 2022Why plates in the base cabinet is the ideal solution
The right environment for the crockery cabinet
Plenty of space for cutlery and small items
Items such as plates, platters and bowls are often stored in wall cabinets, although their quantity, size and weight means that a base cabinet is much more suitable.
Kitchen observations by Blum requirements research have shown that many kitchen cabinets are often only equipped with one drawer for cutlery. A door with a shelf is under the drawer. However, a number of disadvantages come with this:
It's almost impossible to reach the stored items without bending down, rummaging around, stretching and straining.
Things stored at the back of the cupboard frequently get forgotten.
Cupboard contents are often disorganised due to the lack of inner dividing system.
Planning for pros
Bringing together what belongs together
To make work in the kitchen even more efficient, a better cabinet concept is essential. However, there are a few points to consider if ergonomic access and clearly arranged storage items are to be achieved. If you plan to store plates in the kitchen, you should opt for a base cabinet with pull-outs – this combines the advantages of ergonomic access with a clear overview.
Drawers in the top area are ideal for cutlery and the odds and ends found in most kitchens.
Accessing crockery and cutlery
If processes in the kitchen are considered, it makes sense to store cutlery and plates in the same cupboard: this means everything is quickly to hand when setting the table or preparing to serve food. It's also ideal to combine this cabinet with the wall cabinet for cups and glasses. If these are positioned in the immediate vicinity of the dishwasher, putting the dishes away is a breeze. This not only saves effort in the kitchen, but time too.
Speaking of wall cabinets
This is what the ideal crockery cabinet looks like from the inside
Alongside plates, serving platters and cutlery, there's plenty of space in the drawers for the odds and ends found in every household. The inner dividing system guarantees clarity and secure storage.
At a glance: crockery cabinet with pull-outs
Instead of a base cabinet with doors, we recommend planning a base cabinet with pull-outs to store dishes, cutlery and storage containers.
This is also the ideal place to store small items and odds and ends in an organised manner.
Ideally, this base cabinet should be located close to the dishwasher – so to-ing and fro-ing is kept to a minimum.
Flexible inner dividing systems keep cutlery and storage containers well organised and easily accessible.
There's space for up to 12 plates in an adjustable plate holder.