The multifunctional baby changing unit

March 22ErgonomicsChildren's room
Andi made a custom baby changing unit for his son Niklas. The multifunctional furniture has everything mum and dad need to make changing their little one a relaxing experience. And the changing unit is safe and practical in equal measure.

Andi has always been passionate about engineering. "Even as a young lad, I would tinker with everything and try to make my mother's furniture better," says the 43-year-old. Recently, something else has captivated his heart – his son Niklas. "I wanted to set up a really practical changing table for my son," says the proud dad, who is clearly enjoying his paternity leave. The result was more than a standard baby changing unit or station for changing nappies – it is a place of well-being for both parent and child.

Proximity, safety and practicality

"A lot of the time that parents are together with their baby is spent caring for them and changing nappies, especially in the first few months. The main thing was that my little one felt comfortable," explains Andi. The baby changing table provides enough space for a soft changing mat while the tall side panels make it safe and secure. To keep baby warm, he has attached a heat lamp to the wall.

Chic on the outside...

... packed with storage space inside.

Everything in easy reach

"Niklas is a little whirlwind; he doesn't lie still for long now," says Andi, adding: "It was important to be able to keep one hand on him and be able to reach what I need with my other hand." Andi spent a long time working out how best to create the unit and finally found a simple solution: the changing table consists of two standard kitchen base units with a matching top. Its interior is as well-thought-out as its exterior. On the right there's a drawer with fresh nappies, baby wipes, cream and so on, as both Andi and his wife Katja are right-handed. This is deliberate: "This way, the things I always use are immediately to hand. A container with fresh water is placed directly on the worktop. The dividing partition stops our cheeky monkey from snatching the pot of cream away," laughs Andi. Fresh clothes and hand towels are also just as easily accessible in the drawers directly beneath the changing mat.

Changing nappies is more than just a necessary task for us, we enjoy the time together and snuggle or goof around at the changing table.
Ein Mann mit dunklen Haaren und einem hellen Hemd wirft eine Windel in einen Mülleimer, der in einer Schublade in einer Wickelkommode untergebracht ist. Vor ihm auf einer Wickelkommode sitzt ein Kleinkind

"There's even a pull-out for the nappy bucket," says the proud dad: "There is a place for everything – with no unsightly bucket in the nursery."

Changing table: it's all about the height

Just like in the kitchen, the right height is also important for a baby changing unit. Ideally, the changing mat should lie a little above your hip, for a relaxed, back-friendly position. "My wife and I are about the same height. The height of the unit was designed for her, but it works very well for me too. So I gladly take on the nappy changing when I can," says Andi and, once he's finished, he happily gives Niklas a kiss on his head.

Jemand entnimmt eine Windel aus einer geöffneten, weißen Schublade

All the necessary supplies are stowed in several TANDEMBOX drawers – so nappies, for example, are within easy reach.

Cabinet Configurator for easy planning

Our tip for professional manufacturers: if you want to implement the multifunctional baby changing unit, you can configure it online with very little effort in the free Cabinet Configurator. We have put together a separate video that explains the planning step by step, for anyone who has not yet worked with our products. Using it, the practical solution is planned and implemented by pros in no time.

All advantages at a glance

  • Pull-outs for convenience and direct access

  • Fall guard and dividing wall ensure safety

  • The right work height for a back-friendly position

  • Storage space for clothes directly in the baby changing unit

  • Cabinet Configurator for easy planning

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