Ship ahoy! Floating inspiration from Lithuania
Let's buy a boat
"How can we impress our customers and how can we surprise them?" asked Vytautas Dailidė, Managing Director of Blulita, the Lithuanian sales agency in Vilnius, and Donatas Vitkus, Head of the Blulita branch in Klaipeda. The answer to this question turned out to be one of their most exciting projects to date: "Let's buy a boat!" Donatas lives by the sea and is responsible for sales at Blum from the west of Lithuania to the Baltic Sea. In this role, he often goes fishing with customers and usually rents a boat to do so. Having a boat fitted with sophisticated furniture onboard, including solutions from Blum, seemed to be the ideal combination of purpose and passion.
Turning old into new: Vytautas and Donatas renovated a boat and turned it into a true "Inspirations yacht".
Solutions for every nook and cranny
Once the idea for the boat was conceived, the question came about as to how they should bring it to life. First they had to find a suitable boat. In the spirit of sustainability, it quickly became apparent to them that they would renovate an old boat – in other words, they would upcycle it. In order to use every nook and cranny of the interior as storage space, a number of drawers and additional solutions from Blum were utilised. The ship previously didn't have a single drawer but now it has 34! There is a Blum solution for every empty corner. Elegant LEGRABOX drawers and the practical AMBIA-LINE inner dividing system came into play in this case. Where there are still cabinet doors, the choice was made to go with EXPANDO T for the fixing in order to be able to ensure more space-saving work with particularly thin fronts and the plan is to use AVENTOS HK-S stay lifts for ongoing updates to the yacht. The lift system is ideally suited for small wall cabinets.
Top quality of life on the water
When Vytautas and Donatas aren't at sea with the "Inspirations yacht", the converted boat is at anchor in the port city of Klaipeda. The boat serves as a location for customer events and demonstrates that Blum products can come into play in some very unlikely places. "We fell in love with this boat and took on the challenge of implementing ideas that enhance quality of life on the water. It was a unique undertaking because we had to work around the organic shape of the hull and space is also limited. Our goal was to make the best use of every nook and cranny for storage space," explains Donatas who is a proud captain of the boat together with Vytautas who got his boatmaster's certificate especially for the "Inspirations yacht".
By the way, Blulita has not only been able to win over customers with the restored boat, but the result impressed everyone so much that the shipyard also wants to fit their houseboats with Blum products in future.
Vytautas and Donatas are satisfied: "The end result has exceeded all expectations – not just in regard to the boat itself, but also in terms of the responses of our customers who have already joined the queue to come on board and experience the restored boat."
All about the houseboat at a glance:
Instead of buying a new boat, Vytautas and Donatas decided to renovate an old boat
To ensure that every nook and cranny is made use of, drawers have been added
The AMBIA-LINE-inner dividing system provides organisation and ensures that everything remains in its place, even in strong swells
The EXPANDO T hinges were used to save even more space with thin cabinet fronts