Growing old and back again: testing for accessibility
A building steeped in history
Once, the barn was filled with horse boxes. The hay cart brought feed and straw for the animals through the large gate. Today, this historic building is home to the Kick family; independent architect Julia Kick renovated the barn with enormous care and turned the old building into a home for her husband and children.
But can the old barn remain their home forever? Together with Blum requirements researcher Sandra, Julia wants to find out – in an experiment with the . The two plan to use the special age simulator suit to take a look into the future.
The AgeExplorer® allows Julia to experience the world of people with physical limitations. Taking a tour around her house, she can put the architecture and equipment to the test, specifically with regard to ageing. She can experience first-hand where improvements need to be made in order to make her home ready for old age. "It won't be so bad," she laughs.
The transformation – from young to old
"How old am I now then?" Julia wants to know as she puts on the straps which simulate stiff elbows and knee joints. The answer is vague: the suit does simulate the physical limitations that typically occur with age, but everyone experiences things differently, depending on their fitness and physical condition.
"So around 20 years older," says Sandra while filling the pockets of the orange overalls with around 5.5 kg of weights. Special ear muffs, glasses that simulate age-related farsightedness and a visor which restricts your field of vision complete the experience. Now she just needs to put on the arthritis gloves and Julia is ready for the experiment.
She tests various everyday situations from her day-to-day life in her kitchen – for example, she attempts to prepare a salad whilst wearing the AgeExplorer®. The arduous task of reaching for the salad bowl is particularly hard. "," groans Julia.
Even pouring a coffee is unexpectedly difficult. As she bends down to put away toys, she thinks to herself: "Even without the suit, this was strenuous. It makes you understand how important ergonomics is as we age."
Accessibility in building construction: designing a home with ageing in mind
Accessibility in building construction is the technical term that came about from Julia's experiences during the experiment; the art of designing a house in such a way that people with physical limitations could live there with ease. Anyone building or renovating a home who thinks about including accessibility in the design will eliminate the need for compromise solutions at a later date.
All of these aspects should be considered:
Julia's conclusion
The experiment is over – and Julia is exhausted. "I never would've thought that this simulation could be so impressive," says Julia, visibly impressed. "These new insights will help me to look again at some of the details in my plans, to question and examine them in a different way. We always focus heavily on our clients' needs. But being able to experience such limitations for myself was a really valuable experience for me."
At a glance: accessibility in building construction
Plan in advance and avoid future obstacles: Anyone (re)designing their home should consider ground level access, wide doors and straight stairs.
Install ergonomic furniture: To ensure that movements do not become a strain in later life, helpful solutions such as opening support systems on cabinet doors can be installed today as an added extra.
Ensure good visibility and accessibility: Storage space must be reachable, even in old age. This includes sufficient lighting as well as steps in the plinth, which make the top shelf of the cabinet safe to reach.
Provide sufficient storage and seating areas: Leaving space for (future) handles and handrails is important during the planning phase.
Opt for good-quality interior furnishings: Whoever buys cheap, buys twice. Durable furniture and first-class functional equipment prevent the need for continuous repairs and replacement purchases in old age.